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The Mayor's Office 1998-2007
  The Mayor's Office: Garry Moore 1998-2007

Club Mark Launch

Wednesday 8 October 2003

Good afternoon. In the last month I have had two trips to politician's hell while taking part in multispeaker events. Politician hell is where you have to sit politely and listen as every single line in your own speech gets delivered by some other speaker.

Where a wonderful confection of careful phrasing, thoughtful content and topical asides just melts before your ears and eyes.

I'm very mindful today of trying not to do the same thing to other speakers and leave them hanging and scrambling for a new line of chat in a hurry. There are quite a few on the menu. Sports fans might like a good workout to get the adrenalin running, for public speakers having all your lines nicked has a very similar effect.

I'm also mindful that there has never been a news story about a riot started when a politician has talked for less time than expected. So today I shall be both brief, and also hopefully stick to the script. Club Mark comes from the survey done for the Christchurch City Council last year by Sport Canterbury.

We wanted some answers on the health and viability of our sports clubs. We got the answers and Sport Mark is part of the solutions that have come out of that process.

As a Council we have quite a specific vision for sport and recreation in Christchurch. To quote, we are aiming to "provide a city where people participate and enjoy, and have the opportunity to perform and excel in physical recreation and sport." Sports clubs are key players in helping achieve that vision. We have strong links with sports clubs and associations.

These come through:

  • Club leases- well over 250 sports clubs lease Council land.
  • Funding, we do lots of it.
  • Sports ground provision - we have presently have over 100 summer and winter sports parks in the city.
  • Support and advice.
  • Event bidding and promotion.
  • Facilities. We have some of the best in New Zealand. We have spent hundreds of millions on these assets for the people of Christchurch
  • Staff. We are a large employer with many staff actively involved in sport.
  • Co-ordination

And finally:

  • Providing encouragement and opportunity for all to take part in sport.

We believe that the Club Mark will ensure:

  • Club security and longevity
  • Strengthening of structures
  • Provision of better services
  • More efficient use of city resources
  • Resulting lessened demands
  • Less club failure

In short - it's a great idea.

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